The Applied Drone Technology course, offered through Clemson Online, provides a comprehensive curriculum for contractors to start using this technology safely and profitably. This course is taught by one of the foremost drone educators in the country. Dr. Joseph Burgett is a tenured professor at Clemson University and has extensive experience in the field. He is a licensed General Contractor and specifically developed this course for general and specialty contractors.
With 40 hours of material, you’ll learn everything you need to; 1) start saving time, 2) reduce risk, 3) improve logistics and 4) increase efficiency.
Click here for a video overview
Enrollment fee includes:
- Simulator software
- Simulator controller 3D modeling software
- FAA study guide
- FAA test supplement booklet
- 40 hours of material and activities
Those enrolled will:
- Earn their Part 107 FAA Remote Pilots Certificate
- Create 3D models, topographical surveys with incorporated ground control points and stich photos together (software included)
- Quantity take offs such as earthwork volumes
- Use our drone simulator to practice flying (software and controller provided)
- Know how to identify FAA airspace
- Understand the FAA rules for drone use
- Much more
Click the link below for more information