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HomeNewsKey Bridge collapse has uncertain implications for construction: AGC

Key Bridge collapse has uncertain implications for construction: AGC

The Associated General Contractors of America reported last week in its Data Digest weekly summary that the tragic Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore will have multiple, but as yet uncertain, implications for construction.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday, March 26, “Baltimore isn’t a huge port for containers—about 3% of the total on the East and Gulf Coasts—but it handles the nation’s largest volume of automobiles, as well as a lot [of] less-consumer-facing items like coal, gypsum and lumber…According to Dean Croke, principal industry analyst at DAT Freight & Analytics, Baltimore’s proximity to the Midwest’s major farm and construction equipment manufacturers ‘has helped it become the leading U.S. port for importing combines, tractors, hay balers, excavators, and backhoes.’”

The Energy Information Administration reported on Thursday, “Baltimore imports the most asphalt of any U.S. port, about 4,000 [barrels per day] last year, with almost all imports originating from Canada.” At least until the channel reopens, shipments will be diverted to other East Coast ports, potentially adding to congestion and delays that would affect other types of cargo as well. Congestion will also increase on interstates through and around Baltimore. Readers are invited to send information about any costs and supply-chain issues to [email protected].

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