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HomeNewsTile Council of North America announces affirmative vote by the USITC to...

Tile Council of North America announces affirmative vote by the USITC to continue investigation of Ceramic Tile from India

(Clemson, SC)—The Tile Council of North America (TCNA) announced today that on May 31st the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) unanimously determined a reasonable indication of material injury or threat of material injury to US. tile manufacturers by reason of imports of ceramic tile from India.

Eric Astrachan, Executive Director of TCNA, stated, “We thank our members for their input and information conveyed to the Commission, and thank also the importers that provided information for their heartfelt recitation of their views, albeit sometimes at odds with those of the manufacturers. As the investigation moves forward, the Department of Commerce will continue its investigation of imports to better inform all parties of the extent of dumping and government subsidies taking place. As allowed by international law, tariffs level the playing field by offsetting otherwise injurious practices.”

The Department of Commerce reports its preliminary countervailing duty determination will be due on or about July 15, 2024, and its preliminary antidumping duty determination due on or about September 26, 2024, unless the dates are extended due to the complexity of the matter. An extension of approximately 60 days to these dates is possible.

A public report, Ceramic Tile from India, will beavailable by June 28, 2024, with the views of the Commission and information developed during their investigations. When available, it may be accessed on the USITC website at:  https://www.usitc.gov/commission_publications_library.

About Tile Council of North America (TCNA)
TCNA is a trade association representing manufacturers of ceramic tile, tile installation materials, tile equipment, raw materials, and other tile-related products. Established in 1945 as the Tile Council of America (TCA), it became the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) in 2005, reflecting its membership expansion to all North America.

The Tile Council is recognized for its leadership role in facilitating the development of North American and international industry quality standards to benefit tile consumers. Additionally, TCNA regularly conducts independent research and product testing, works with regulatory, trade, and other government agencies, and publishes installation guidelines, tile standards, economic reports, and promotional literature.

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