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HomeNewsHelp families in Ukraine with Tile Doctor and Litokol USA

Help families in Ukraine with Tile Doctor and Litokol USA

Curt Rapp, Founder of The Tile Doctor, has enjoyed a close working relationship with Litokol colleagues all over the world. Litokol has partners in over 140 countries – including Litokol Ukraine. Tile Doctor has pledged support for the more than 20 families of Litokol Ukraine impacted in Kviv – and you can help. Following is a personal message from Rapp posted last week on Facebook.

“In these unprecedented times, we at Tile Doctor as Litokol USA are reminded of our good fortune to live in the USA. But, our counterparts in Ukraine are undergoing very unfortunate life altering events that are no fault of their own. They clearly have stated that is not a war they provoked or wish for their country.

“In case you are unaware, Litokol has partners in over 140 countries, and most are relatively small businesses like ours. Just as we are Litokol USA, there is Litokol Ukraine, pictured in this post are their offices and warehouse now fully shut down. There 20+ employees and their families who have left Kyiv and now have little options. We know many of them because we have been together at Litokol Italy for conferences….. these are great people by any measure.

“Myself personally, and the team here at Litokol USA are going to be making contributions directly to these 20 families. We will contribute one dollar for each bucket of Litokol sold in the USA when customers post about them buying the product for the cause, or tell us so we can post. The donation will be made in the names of those who buy and post. We will also set up a way to allow contributions to be made regardless of any purchases. The Ukraine currency is basically of no value today so U.S. Dollars will make a huge difference to these families and any form of support will go directly to make an immediate impact for them.

“We ask when you buy or sell the Litokol products (from any location) please post a picture of you or your customer with the product on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any social media outlet and help spread the word, be sure to use hashtag #LitokolUSAforUkraine.

“We will also be setting up a Go-Fund-Me Page to allow direct donations when product is not involved, more on that in future posts.

“Share this post, tell everyone who buys the Litokol at the many locations who sell it: Floor & Decor, Emser, Pool Corp, Best Tile, Home Depot, Lowes, AquabluMoasics.com, MosiacTileUSA.com, just to name a few (in no specific order of importance).

“Please keep this post going, build this into your sales strategy with your customers. They don’t need to buy any extra  — just buy what they need and post it, then we will donate in yours or their name and share the good will that is badly needed now.

“Please consider this strongly. We do need to step up for our industry partners in Ukraine and their families who are being so badly impacted. #LitokolUSAforUkraine

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