Do you have a fascination with classic cars and vehicle restoration? So did NAC’s founder, Tom Duve! In celebration of NAC’s 30th anniversary in 2013, the company started its “Classic Vehicles from the Flooring Industry” calendar as a way to recognize the hobby and share the cool and inspirational stories about classic vehicle restoration with people in the industry. This calendar is now an annual tradition that NAC is happy to share with you.
NAC creates this calendar as a thank you to those who make the company proud to be NAC: its dedicated customers, industry associates and new relationships.
NAC is looking for beautiful classic cars from people in the flooring industry for its 2025 NAC Classic Vehicles from the Flooring Industry Calendar. Email your own classic car photos to [email protected] or here or encourage others you know in the flooring industry to send their classic vehicle photos for consideration.
View past calendars here.