TileLetter is the industry's leading tile magazine

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The industry’s leading tile installation magazine

HomeNewsEventsTISE highlights

TISE highlights

NTCA came out in force at The International Surface Expo in Las Vegas in January. Following are a few highlights of our time there. 

Many contractors wanted to learn and join NTCA at TISE. Here, NTCA member Chanel Carrizosa talks to prospective members at the NTCA booth, situated between the CTEF booth and the DISH stage.
TileLetter Editor Lesley Goddin gets her hands dirty playing in the mud, under Randy Fleming’s patient instruction!
NTCA knows how to have fun! Hats off to the NTCA crew, stopping at the hat shop at Mandalay Place for a photo shoot. With (l. to r.) Randy Fleming, Avia Haynes, Mark Heinlein, Lesley Goddin and Robb Roderick. 
NTCA offered a number of demos on the DISH stage, beside our booth. Here’s the critical wall lighting demo with Randy Fleming (l.) and Dan Hecox.
At the CTEF booth, Certified Tile Installer demos and modules were set up for inquiring contractors to learn more about. 
NTCA gave numerous presentations at the Converge conference program. Here NTCA Technical Director Mark Heinlein gives a preview of the new NTCA Workshop on creating centered and balanced tile layouts, according to industry standards.
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