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Becoming a thought leader in your niche

Last month FocalPoint Business Coach and Trainer Luca Setti discussed the benefits of being recognized as an expert in your industry and how it can help your business. This month, Setti follows up on that concept with suggestions on how to become a thought leader in your niche. 

If you want to develop a thought leadership strategy, you need to use the right tactics. Becoming a thought leader in your industry can take time. It’s not enough to start writing blogs.

It’s important to get started right away. Here are a few thought leadership strategies that can help you become an authority in your industry.

Find your niche

If your industry is saturated with online voices, you might struggle to stand out from the crowd. Try to find a relatively uncrowded niche within your industry. Finding your niche will make it easier for you to appeal to a specific group of customers.

Once you find your niche, remain clear and consistent. Offer your insights to a specific group of customers.

You don’t have to become a thought leader in every area of your industry; instead, hone your message. Creating a focused message will help you go deep and demonstrate true subject mastery. By doing this, you’ll have a better chance of reaching, engaging and “owning” a niche audience. 

Take a step back

Take a step back from your business agenda and focus on the issues that are impacting your target audience.

Before using thought leadership strategies, you’ll need to take a step back from your business agenda. Focus instead on the issues that are impacting your target audience. Then, offer them unique, useful information and advice. Show consumers that you’re present and current with the latest issues and trends. Don’t talk about your business – they don’t care. Focus on helping them with their problems!

Keep educating yourself

Every industry is constantly changing, growing, and evolving. If you want to become an expert in your industry, keep educating yourself regarding the latest trends and events. Keeping yourself informed can help you recognize patterns and future trends.

Work with mentors and influencers

You’re not the only expert within your niche. Remain humble as you use thought leadership strategies.

Remember, your industry is always changing. You might not have the answer to every question. Look at other experts in your industry. Learn from them and what they are writing about. Expand your knowledge in important areas so you grow as a thought leader.

Try working with influencers within your industry, too. You can leverage their existing brand trust and loyalty. A great way to leverage connections is to speak in front of their existing audience and build your sphere of influence.

Attend events

Put yourself out there! If you want to build your thought leadership presence, let people know you’re available to help.

Try to seek out speaking opportunities and participate in events. Make sure these events put you in front of your target audience. Continue networking to establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry. It is easy to get interviewed on podcasts and webcasts if you bring value; hosts have an audience that will be primed to engage with you.

Create informative content

Take the time to create a blog to draw in an audience of readers and followers. Your blog will become your platform and help establish your credibility.

Make sure to post fresh content regularly. Focus on quality over quantity, though. Remember, your readers are looking for helpful, informative content.

Use search engine optimization (SEO) to boost your search engine ranking and reach more customers.

Highlight the value you can offer your readers. What unique experiences can you share? What insights can you offer that people can’t find anywhere else?

Keep offering value

As you start creating content, focus on the value you can offer your readers. What unique experiences can you share? What insights can you offer that people can’t find anywhere else?

Focusing on your value will help you stand out from other people in the industry. Otherwise, your voice might fade into the background.

Look for ways to disrupt everyone’s thinking or perception of different concepts as well.

Optimize your social media presence

As you start creating content for your blog, share it! Create a monthly email newsletter to keep drawing people to your website. Establish yourself on social media, too.

For example, you can host live Q&A video sessions on social media. Videos can keep people engaged with your brand.   

For more information, visit Visit www.fpinl.biz, call or email Luca Setti at (C) 863-398-2477; [email protected].

Luca Setti
Certified Business Coach, Trainer, Consultant, Exec. Coach at Focal Point Coaching & Training Excellence | Website | + posts

Luca Setti focuses his practice in helping business owners and executives effectively navigate the challenges of growing their business, properly managing resources - time and people being the most important - as well as properly embrace the changes.

After 30 years as a business executive, and as a Certified Business Coach and Trainer, Luca Setti developed a deep passion for working with leaders who want to improve their organizations and are actively looking for better ways to lead, grow and prosper.

Luca is an expert in sales, marketing, product development, as well as, operation and finance having worked his way up to cover multiple executive roles in his career from Chief Financial Officer, to Executive VP of Sales and Operation and lastly Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for large manufacturers and distributors of ceramic tiles.

Luca led companies to achieve unprecedented revenue, profit and market share growth in a highly competitive and dynamic market. He has been very successful in re-energizing underperforming organizations and has enjoyed consistent success in building distribution networks that support cost-effective go-to-market strategies.

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